Monday, October 7, 2013

Hello. I am a Russian language major, with a special concentration in linguistics. I have a general interest in linguistics: syntax, language acquisition, etc. It is to my benefit to have, at least, a working knowledge of as many languages as possible. There is no specific Japanese requirement within my department, but I have a strong personal interest in the language. I'm also interested in earlier Japanese history and culture, as well as modern Japanese culture.


  1. A.J.さん こんにちは。わたしはTAのあおきです。Interestingly I share many interests with you. I was also a linguistics major during my undergrad years, and am still interested in how people acquire second/foreign languages. Hope you will find something interesting from your Japanese learning experience.がんばってください!

  2. こにちわ!にほんご勉強はいそがしいですか?おもしろいですか?

  3. I'm also taking japanese simply as an elective as well!

  4. Oh, hey, 日本ごはとてもおもしろいですから、I'm also hoping to complete the special concentration in linguistics using Japanese! Have you taken the intro class with McWhorter yet? I've held off on it thus far, but I hear it's fantastic.

  5. こんにちは! I am also interested in linguistics - what other languages do you know? Any other East Asian languages?
